How To Understand Your Motivation Source

Jonathan Romo
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readDec 11, 2020


What is motivation and how does one get it? It would be convenient if every individual had the same source of motivation. Unfortunately the human mind isn’t that simple. Individuals can be motivated through guidance and support, others are simply inspired through ideas or events. Because of the importance and complexity of motivation, two approaches on how to evaluate motivation were developed.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and self efficacy. Understanding what produces motivation for the individual is a major step in their fitness journey. Being able to replicate the source will increase adherence to their training and how the trainee experiences life.

Intrinsic Motivation

To be intrinsically motivated means that the individual is engaged in the activity from the inherent pleasure and experience. When one trains the sources that can produce this type of motivation are social engagement, challenge, and skill development. The emotions these trainees describe when applying maximum effort are happiness, freedom, and relaxation after.

While many people truly enjoy being physically active, very few adults are completely intrinsically motivated. My job as a personal trainer is to maximize enjoyment and engagement, but not expect the participants to always display intrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic Motivation

This type of motivation involves the engagement in the activity for any other benefit than for the joy of participation. Most adults depend on some extrinsic motivation when exercising. These trainees report the reason behind being physically active are external factors (i.e. weight loss, improve health, to look good) and are likely to experience some tension, guilt, or pressure.

Most people fall between both of these forms motivation. When choosing a fitness program the individual should look for one they enjoy and ensures accomplishments can be met at a consistent rate.

Self Efficacy

Self efficacy can be defined as the belief in one’s own capability to successfully engage in the activity. Choosing the right fitness program is an extremely important decision, due to do this form of motivation. If an indivdual begins a program designed for an elite level athlete they will struggle to complete early stages of the program. Decreasing their levels of self efficacy. If one is working with a personal trainer, communication is very important. Inform your trainer when your level of motivation decreases or increases because this can shift rapidly.

If the trainee is not working with a personal trainer the acknowledgement of shifting motivation levels will help determine if changes are needed. The trainee may desire to participate in a group fitness class to gain social encouragement or switch their style of training to fit their shifting fitness goals. By being aware of your current form of motivation this will allow you to consistently motivate yourself and others to seek constant improvement in your physical and mental health.

Remember, “It starts with you!”

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Jonathan Romo
In Fitness And In Health

As an Amer Council of Exercise cert. pers. trnr., his goal w/ Live Dynamic Fitness is to help others develop a deep sense of self-efficacy & a passion for life.